UL Recognition

Spellman is one of the few organizations in the high voltage industry that has the internal facilities to conduct UL certified testing of products. Our state of the art test equipment, and UL sanctioned test protocols monitored by our highly qualified compliance engineers, ensures that our customers benefit from a cost effective and timely UL certification process. Spellman Hauppauge, NY and Pulborough UK facilites both participate in the Client Test Data Program.

Spellman designs most of its products to meet the guidelines to obtain UL recognition. Some products are formally UL recognized; they are listed below. Many products while they are “designed to meet” have not actually gone through the formal UL recognition process. Customers who require UL recognition on any unrecognized products can request a quote from the Spellman Sales team on the cost and time required to obtain formal UL product recognition. To contact us, click here.

CB Report:

A CB Report is part of an international system for acceptance of test reports dealing with the safety of electrical and electronic products. A manufacturer using a CB test report issued by one of the participating organizations can obtain certification in all other member countries of the CB Scheme. 

UL recognition of Spellman products can (and frequently is) done without a CB Report being created. CB Reports required additional time, work and expense. If a customer determines that international compliance is something they are going to be dealing with, a CB Report may be desired. It is much easier and cost effective to generate the CB Report at the time of original compliance testing. A Spellman Sales team member can quote the cost and time if a CB report is required.

Many Spellman products bear the UL mark. Each link below represents a specific Spellman High Voltage Product which has been certified by UL. Each certificate can be viewed online or downloaded as a PDF file. 

To view the PDF file, click on any of the links below: