Spellman High Voltage Semiconductors-Ion Implantation and Lithography
Power Supplies for Memory Storage Devices

Building memory storage devices with their increasing capacities and semiconductors with decreasing line widths requires more highly controlled and efficient sources of high voltage power. Spellman designs power supplies up to 400 kilovolts to operate in the severe arcing conditions found in a number of vacuum processes such as ion beam etching, e-beam vapor deposition, and ion implantation. Additionally, our supplies are built with the precision circuitry necessary to produce the low ripple and high stability outputs required in e-beam lithography. Spellman’s experience and leading-edge designs have made us the preferred choice for industries that require innovative solutions to the challenges created by emerging applications. We are dedicated to providing support for new developments in the most technologically advanced industries requiring high voltage dc power supplies.
(Photo courtesy of Veeco Instruments Inc.)