Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corporation – Baggage Screening X-ray Generators

Airport security scanning machines are one of the tools that transportation authorities use to ensure passenger and airline safety. Some of the specific security machines used requiring high voltage are: X-Ray based carry-on baggage, checked baggage and cargo scanning systems; full body X-Ray backscatter scanning machines, TSA certified CT based X-Ray EDS systems for bomb detection and mass spectrometry based elemental analyzers. Spellman High Voltage manufactures high voltage power supplies, X-Ray generators and Monoblock® X-Ray sources to power these and other essential security devices.
Spellman is the leading provider of high voltage technology for the security screening industry.
For more information on Spellman’s high voltage power supplies, X-Ray generators and Monoblock® X-Ray sources, contact Spellman High Voltage Electronics for a detailed price quote.