• Triode Supply for Thermionic Emission SEM
  • High Precision, Low Noise, Ultra Stable
  • Over Current/Voltage Protection
  • OEM Customization Available
  • UL, CE and RoHS Compliant

*Note: All specifications are subject to change without notice. Please consult the English PDF version of this datasheet for the most up-to-date revision.

2 Year Extended Warranty RoHs Compliant logo 

Triode Supply for Thermionic SEM

The EBM30N/TEG is an integral solution that provides the high voltage required by Thermionic Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Spellman’s proprietary packaging and encapsulation technology gives dramatic improvements in size, cost and performance compared to other SEM power supply offerings.

This unit provides a highly regulated, low noise, ultra-stable Accelerator supply programmable from 0 to -30kV at 170uA, together with Floating Filament and Bias supplies referenced to the Accelerator to control the beam. The unit also includes high voltage outputs to drive the Detector, comprising PMT, Scintillator and Collector grounded outputs.

Programming signals utilize differential analog inputs to minimize external noise and offset voltages effects. A ground referenced emission current monitor and a filament failure signal are provided.

Технические характеристики

(Ref. 128031-001 REV. A)


Input Voltage:

+24Vdc, ±5% @ 2.5A max.

High Voltage Outputs:

CA11 Mini 75 receptacle from Claymount. Spellman HV offers mating cable assemblies at different lengths (see HOW TO ORDER table below).

Scintillator Output:

Custom ’Poke home’ receptacle manufactured by Spellman. For mating cables, see HOW TO ORDER information below.

PMT and Collector Outputs:

Industry standard BNC.HT receptacle: Radiall R316 553


Operating: 0°C to +45°C
Storage: -20°C to +75°C


0 to 85% RH, non-condensing


4.13˝ H x 9.85˝ W x 7.48˝ D (105mm x 250mm x 190mm) excluding the top mounting bracket


16.5 lbs. (7.5kg)

Regulatory Approvals:

UL recognized component (RC). File number E354595. Compliant to IEC/UL 61010-1 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use; CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.61010-1. CE marked to EN 61010-1. UKCA marked to BS EN 61010-1. RoHS compliant. (As the unit is designed for incorporation within the users system it is not tested against any specific EMC standards. The user will need to take appropriate EMC precautions when designing the unit in and verify the overall system EMC performance against any relevant standards.)


Output Accelerator
(Internal Supply)
Bias Cancellation
(Internal Supply)
 Filament  PMT  Scintillator  Collector
Output Voltage 0 to -30kV, referenced to ground 0 to +3.5kV referenced to Accelerator* -1.936 to +1.936V referenced to  Accelerator  0 to -1300V referenced to ground  +8kV to +11kV referenced to ground  30V to 500V referenced to ground 
Output current - max 170μA 150μA
3.87A  1mA (current trip level: 1.2mA)  250μA  5mA 
Accuracy ±2% or ±20V (whichever is greater) ±10% or ±180V (whichever is greater) 0.1V  ±2% or ±1V (whichever is greater)  ±2%  ±5% 
Load Regulation <100ppm for 0 to 170μA N/A <2% for 10% change in load resistance  <100ppm for 0 to 1mA  <500ppm for 0 to 250μA  <5% for 0 to 5 mA  
Line Regulation for a ±5% line change <100ppm <0.1% <1%  <100ppm  <500ppm  <5% 
Ripple p-p at max output <20ppm <5ppm <0.1%  <200mV  <0.1%  <0.2% 
Temperature Coefficient <100 ppm/°C <1000 ppm/°C <300 ppm/°C  <1000 ppm/°C  <100 ppm/°C  <1000 ppm/°C 
Stability (1hr warm up) 8ppm/3min 1%/10min 100ppm/10min  200ppm/1h  500ppm/8h  <1500ppm/1h 
Rise time (switch on) 1 to 3s (0 to 90%) <1s (0 to 90%) 250ms (0 to 90%)  <1s (0 to 90%)  <1s (0 to 90%)  <1s (0 to 90%) 
Fall time (switch off) <100s (to < 50V)  <100s (to < 50V)  <0.5s (100% to 10%)  <10s (to < 50V)  <10s (to < 100V)  <10s (to < 50V) 

*The positive Bias Cancellation voltage reduces the negative Bias output, allowing the emission current to flow (see User Guide for more information).


Pin Signal I/O  Signal Parameters Remarks
1 +24V DC24V Input Pins connected internally 
2 +24V DC24V Input  Pins connected internally 
3 0V DC24V Common  Pins connected internally 
4 0V DC24V Common Pins connected internally 
5 FG - Case Ground Internally connected to 0V 


Pin Signal I/O Signal Parameters 
1 Remote on/off I Outputs 1,2 and 3 (Acc., Bias, Fil.) remote on/off. High = off  
2 Remote 4 on/off I P.M.T remote on/off. High = off 
3 Remote 5 on/off I Scintillator remote on/off. High = off 
4 Remote 6 on/off I Collector remote on/off. High = off 
5 Remote signal gnd I 0V connection for remote controls 
6 Filament open cct O High = failed 
7 Filament OC return O 0V 
8 N/C - N/C
9 N/C - N/C 
10  N/C  N/C 


Pin Signal I/O Parameters
1 Fil Prog (+) I 0 to 4V differential input = 0 to 4V Filament output
2 Fil Prog (-) I 0 to 4V differential input = 0 to 4V Filament output
3 Bias Cancel Prog (+) I 0 to 3.5V differential input = 0 to 3.5kV Bias Cancellation output 
4 Bias Cancel Prog (-) I 0 to 3.5V differential input = 0 to 3.5kV Bias Cancellation output 
5 Acc Prog (+) I 0 to 6V differential input = 0 to -30kV Accelerator output 
6 Acc Prog (-) I 0 to 6V differential input = 0 to -30kV Accelerator output 
7 EMS Monitor O Emission Current Monitor Output. 0 to 10V = 0 to 200μA Limited to 12V max. ±3% or 0.1V, whichever is greater
8 EMS Mon 0V O Emission Current Monitor Output. 0 to 10V = 0 to 200μA Limited to 12V max. ±3% or 0.1V, whichever is greater 
9 PMT Prog (+) I 0 to 6.5V differential input = 0 to 1300V P.M.T output
10  PMT Prog (-)  0 to 6.5V differential input = 0 to 1300V P.M.T output 
11  Scintillator Prog (+)  0 to 5.5V differential input = 0kV to 11kV Scintillator output 
12 Scintillator Prog (-)  0 to 5.5V differential input = 0kV to 11kV Scintillator output  
13  Collector Prog  0 to 5V differential input = 0 to 500V Collector output
14  Collector Prog 0V  0 to 5V differential input = 0 to 500V Collector output 
15  N/C  N/C 


Description Part Number
Low voltage mating connectors accessory Kit 13802-27
HV Out Cable - 2 meters HVC30/3SO/1317
HV Out Cable - 3 meters HVC30/3SO/1314
HV Out Cable - 5 meters HVC30/3SO/1315
Scintillator Cable - 1 meter HVC11/1SO/1320
Scintillator Cable - 2 meters HVC11/1SO/1316

Таблицы и диаграммы



EBM-TEG Front View 


EBM-TEG Top View 


 EBM-TEG Side View

Note: An accessory kit which contains the mating housings and crimps for the low voltage connectors is available to order free of charge. See HOW TO ORDER table.

CE, ROHS, UL Marking