비파괴 검사 (NDT)
비파괴 검사 (NDT) X선 비파괴검사는 검사 받는 물건을 손상하거나 파괴하지 않기 때문에 제품 평가, 품질 관리 및 연구에서 시간과 비용을 절약합니다. 귀사의 어플리케이션이 법의학, 기계, 석유, 전기, 토목, 시스템 및 항공 공학, 의학 또는 예술이 포함된 여부와 관계없이 스펠만은 그 작업을 수행할 X선 발생기 또는 X선원을 보유하고 있습니다. 인라인 및 오프라인 검사 저밀도에서 고밀도 재료에 대한 인라인 및 오프라인 검사, 낮은 리플, 높은 안정성 플랫폼은 필름과 디지털 영상에서 이미지와 처리량을 향상시킵니다. 안정적이고 비용 효과적인 고전압 전원 장치 및 X선원, 업계 최고의 보증은 비파괴검사 어플리케이션의 가치를 더하여 줍니다. CE/UL 준수, 우수한 성능, 유연한 표준 제품, 낮은 유지 비용 및 시스템과의 통합이 간편합니다.
- Output Voltages from 20kV-160kV
- Output Power 300W, 600W and 1200W
- Hot Anode or Hot Cathode X-Ray Tube Capable
- USB, Ethernet and RS-232 Standard Interfaces
- CE Compliant, UL Recognized and RoHS Compliant
- User Programmable Ramping and Arc Detect Feature
- Output Voltage 50kV at 50 Watt or 75 Watt Max
- Output Voltage 65kV at 65 Watt Max
- Adjustable Integrated Filament Supply
- Local and Remote Emission Control
- CE Marked, UL Recognized
- Constant Potential Output
- Excellent Stability and Regulation
- Power Factor Corrected AC Input Circuitry
- Digital Interface, Ethernet and RS-232
- End Grounded Exposed Anode
- Portable, Repeatable, Accurate
- 100% Duty Cycle
- Unparalleled Resolution Imaging
- Liquid or Air Cooled Models
- Penetration of up to 76mm of Fe (300kV unit)
- Output Voltage 50kV with 50 Watt or 75 Watt Max.
- Output Voltage 65kV with 65 Watt Max.
- Adjustable Isolated Filament Supply
- Local and Remote Emission Control
- RS-232, Ethernet, & USB Standard
- Output Voltage 50kV, 65kV and 80kV
- Output Power 100W
- Adjustable Ground Isolated Filament Supply
- Overvoltage & Short Circuit Protection
- Local and Remote Emission Control
- RS-232, Ethernet, & USB Standard
- Output Voltage 35kV-80kV
- Output Power 20W-50W
- Integrated HV Supply, Filament Supply, X-Ray Tube, Beam Port and Control Electronics
- Compact & Lightweight
- Can be Mounted in Any Physical Orientation
- Analog or Digital Control Interface
- Output Voltage up to 80kV
- Output Power 320W
- Integrated HV Supply, Filament Supply, X-Ray Tube, Beam Port and Control Electronics
- Compact & Lightweight
- Can be Mounted in Any Physical Orientation
- Standard RS-232 Digital Interface
- Output Voltage up to 150kV
- Output Power 600W
- Integrated HV Supply, Filament Supply, X-Ray Tube, Beam Port and Control Electronics
- Compact & Lightweight
- Can be Mounted in Any Physical Orientation
- Analog Monitoring and Standard RS-232 Digital Interface
- Output Voltage up to 160kV
- Output Power 480W
- Integrated HV Supply, Filament Supply, X-Ray Tube, Beam Port and Control Electronics
- Compact & Lightweight
- Can be Mounted in Any Physical Orientation
- Standard RS-232 Digital Interface
- Output Voltage up to 160kV
- Output Power 480W
- Integrated HV Supply, Filament Supply, X-Ray Tube, Beam Port and Control Electronics
- Compact & Lightweight
- Power Factor Corrected with Internal EMI Filter
- Can be Mounted in Any Physical Orientation
- Analog Monitoring and Standard RS-232 Digital Interface
- Output Voltage up to 160kV
- Output Power 480W
- Integrated HV Supply, Filament Supply, X-Ray Tube, Beam Port and Control Electronics
- Compact & LIghtweight
- Universal Input, Power Factor Corrected
- Can be Mounted in Any Physical Orientation
- Analog Control and Digital RS-232 Interface
- Output Voltage up to 160kV
- Output Power 688W
- Integrated HV Supply, Filament Supply, X-Ray Tube, Beam Port and Control Electronics
- Compact & LIghtweight
- Power Factor Corrected
- Can be Mounted in Any Physical Orientation
- Standard RS-232 Digital Interface
- Output Voltage up to 160kV
- Output Power 400W
- Integrated HV Supply, Filament Supply, X-Ray Tube, Beam Port and Control Electronics
- Compact & Lightweight
- Can be Mounted in Any Physical Orientation
- Analog Monitoring and Standard RS-232 Digital Interface
- Output Voltages from 160kV, 225kV, 320kV, 350kV and 450kV Models
- Output Power 1.8 kW-6 kW
- Complete X-Ray Generator Package
- Integrated Dual Filament Supplies
- Digital Interface—USB, Ethernet and RS-232
- Excellent Stability and Regulation
- Compact & Lightweight
- Universal Input, Power Factor Corrected
- Can be Mounted in Any Physical Orientation
- Analog Monitoring Interface, Standard RS-232 Digital Interface and Ethernet
- Data Logging and Firmware Controlled X-Ray Tube Seasoning
- Tube, generator, HV cable(s), cooler... fully integrated and tested at Spellman High Voltage
- Assembly ready; “Plug And Play” out of the box
- Cables, hoses, fittings all part of the packaged system
- One purchase order
- One phone call to Spellman for support
- 2 year warranty for system exceeds that of individual outsourced components/assemblies. X-Ray tube warranty is prorated.