- マンモグラフィーへの応用を重視したカスタム設計
- 高速セトリングで患者への照射暴露を最小限に
- デュアルスピードスターター、ブースト/ブレーキ性能
- RS-232およびオプションのイーサネットインターフェイス
- 低コスト、付加価値あるモジュール式設計
*注: すべての仕様は予告なく変更される場合があります。最新版についてはこのデータシートの英語PDFをご覧ください。
スペルマンのVMX製品は、高性能で低コストのマンモグラ フィーX線発生装置の基準を見直しました。VMX製品は、完全 で高性能な付加価値設計を見据えて作り出されたため、絶えず要 求されるシステムの価格目標を満たすために重要な仕様について 妥協する必要がありません。
デュアル・フォーカス・スポットのDC電流源フィラメント電 源と連結された40kV @ 5kW(ピーク)高圧出力で、正確で安定 したX線管エミッション電流とともに、高速の立ち上がり時間が もたらされます。モールドされた高圧出力部は、環境湿度および 環境汚染の効果を低減するとともに、石油に関する懸念を取り除 きます。
インターフェース使用時の柔軟性は、RS-232およびイーサ ネット・コネクティビティを介して提供されます。VMX製品は、 デジタル・インターフェースを介してカスタム・コンフィギュ レーションが可能な、加速およびブレーキ機能性を備わったデュ アル・スピード・スターターを特色とします。コンパクト、フル 機能、高性能、低コスト…スペルマンのVMX製品は、次世代の マンモグラフィーX線発生装置です。
(Ref. 128092-001 REV. L)
Input Voltage:
200-240Vac (±10%), single phase, 50Hz/60Hz
Input Current:
Minimum 35A service recommended for 5kW operation
External EMC Filter (Schaffner FN2070-36-08-36A) required to meet CE/EMC specifications – Not provided with the generator
Mains Contactor – Not provided within the generator. Customer is responsible for mains safety disconnection.
Output Voltage
Output Voltage Range: 20kV to 40kV
Polarity: Positive, grounded cathode X-Ray tube
Accuracy: Within 1% of programmed values
Reproductibility: <0.5%
Settling Time: <10ms
Ripple: ≤ 1%
Stability: ≤ 0.01% per 8 hours
Temperature Coefficient: ≤ 100ppm/°C
Output Current/Power
Output Current Range: 10mA to 200mA
Output Power: 5kW @ 0.1 second loading time
Maximum mAs:
Exposure Timer:
5ms-10 seconds
Within 2% of programmed values measured after mA rises to stable DC level
Settling Time:
Filament Configuration:
DC filament drive: self corrected filament preheat settings with closed loop emission control and smart learning algorithm
Filament Output:
0-6 amps at a compliance of 5.5 volts, maximum
Dual Speed Starter:
High speed (180Hz) and low speed (60Hz) can be configured via the serial interface.
Boost and Brake capability provided.
High Voltage Connector:
60kV, Claymount CA-3 type or equivalent
Optional Communication Interface:
Ethernet (RJ45)
Grounding Point:
M5 ground stud provided on chassis
Temperature Range:
Operating: 10°C to 40°C
Storage: -40°C to 85°C
20% to 85% RH, non-condensing.
Convection cooled, no internal fans. Forced air cooling not required
9.38. H X 6.6. W X 12. D (237.5mm x 167.6mm x 304.8mm)
<22 pounds (10kg
Regulatory Approvals:
Compliant to EMC:IEC 60601-1-2. UL/CUL recognized file E242584. RoHS compliant.
Application Features:
- 2 point/3 point exposure modes
- AEC/Smart AEC exposure modes
- Automatic filament current calibration
- Tube anode heat calculator
- User configurable tube library
Pin | Signal | Parameters |
TB2-1 | PHASE | To tube auxiliary winding |
TB2-2 | RUN | To tube principle winding |
TB2-3 | COM | To tube common winding |
TB2-4 | GROUND | To tube housing ground |
Pin | Signal | Parameters |
TB3-1 | SMALL FIL | Connection to tube small filament |
TB3-2 | COMMON | Connection to tube filament common |
TB3-3 | LARGE FIL | Connection to large filament |
TB3-4 | GROUND | Generator chassis for cable shield connection |
TB3-5 | Interlock 2+ | Used if tube has separate thermostat switch. Open = OVER TEMP. (short terminals if not used) |
TB3-6 | Interlock 2- | Used if tube has separate thermostat switch. Open = OVER TEMP. (short terminals if not used) |
TB3-7 | Interlock 3+ | Used if tube has cooling circulator flow switch. Open = NO FLOW. (short terminals if not used) |
TB3-8 | Interlock 3- | Used if tube has cooling circulator flow switch. Open = NO FLOW. (short terminals if not used) |
TB3-9 | Safety Interlock+ | User signal (Contact Closure) for safety interlocks such as door interlocks. Open turns HV OFF, or inhibits HV from being generated. Closed = OK 24Vdc @ <1A typical |
TB3-10 | Safety Interlock- | User signal (Contact Closure) for safety interlocks such as door interlocks. Open turns HV OFF, or inhibits HV from being generated. Closed = OK 24Vdc @ <1A typical |
TB3-11 | Contactor Coil+ | Option for contactor coil control |
TB3-12 | Contactor Coil- | Option for contactor coil control |
TB3-13 | Spare | N/C |
TB3-14 | Spare | N/C |
TB3-15 | Tube Current+ | Tube current flows out from this pin |
TB3-16 | Tube Current- | Tube current flows into this pin |
Pin | Signal | Parameters |
1 | GND | Signal Ground |
2 | +5Vdc Out | +5Vdc, 100mA max. |
3 | RS-232 Tx Out | RS-232 Transmit |
4 | RS-232 Rx In | RS-232 Receive |
5 | PREP | User signal (Contact Closure) to alert the generator that exposure sequence will begin. Once this signal is active, exposure parameters are locked in and cannot be changed. The generator enables the starter to to boost the rotor. Contact connection to pin 24. Closed = PREP, the filament is placed in preheat mode |
6 | READY | Generator signal to user to indicate the rotor runs to speed and the generator is ready for X-Ray exposure Open Collector. Low/Active = Ready |
7 | ROTOR SHUTDOWN | User signal to brake the rotor drive |
8 | EXPOSURE | User signal (Contact Closure) to generator to generate X-Rays. Filament is boosted, and high voltage is generated after the boost time. Contact connection to pin 24. Closed = Exposure |
9 | X-Ray ON 75% Status | Transistor output to indicate X-Ray ON status synchronized with 75% of kVP setting point. |
10 | X-Ray ON Status | Transistor output to indicate X-Ray ON status synchronized with kV start up. |
11 | N/C | N/C |
12 | X-Ray SHUTDOWN/AEC | User signal to generator to rapidly turn HV OFF and ON during serial exposure sequence |
13 | RS-232 ISO Ground | Isolated ground from RS-232 transceiver IC |
14 | HVG FAULT Status | Generator signal indicating generator fault. Open collector transistor output. Low/Active = Fault |
15 | Status Bit 1 | 3 bit status lines for up to 6 status messages. See separate matrix descibing functionality. Open Collector. Low/Active = Message |
16 | Status Bit 2 | |
17 | Status Bit 3 | |
18 | N/C | N/C |
19 | N/C | N/C |
20 | kV Monitor | Signal from generator. 0-10V = 0-40kV. Zout = 1kΩ |
21 | Emission Monitor | Signal from generator. 0-10V = 0-200mA. Zout = 1kΩ |
22 | Filament Current Monitor | Signal from generator. 0-10V = 0-6A. Zout = 1kΩ |
23 | Program/Monitor Return | Ground for reference of program and monitor signals |
24 | +24Vdc Out | For connection to PREP and EXPOSURE control relay coils |
25 | SHIELD/GND | For connection of interface cable shield to generator chassis ground |
Tables & Diagrams
Note: All specifications are subject to change without notice. Please consult the PDF version of this datasheet for the most up-to-date revision.